Leah Bett Nursing Services

Respite (STA)

We provide emergency respite NDIS supports for families and their caregivers in our respite house. Dedicated professionals provide high-quality care, and free nursing care services are also made available while receiving respite supports. These include, and are not limited to:

  • Injections – eg insulins
  • Wound care management
  • Support to attend medical appointments with a professional nurse
  • Support to attend dialysis
  • After dialysis care.

Respite (STA) is a practical solution for clients who require temporary supports out of home, while allowing your carer to have short-term breaks from their caring responsibilities. This support can be accessed at flexible intervals for up to 14 days at a time, dependent on your needs and requirements.

Respite Needs And Cost

The cost of respite differs greatly between individuals as it depends on:

  • Their needs
  • The length of their stay
  • The level of support needed
  • How inclusive they would like the service.

At a basic level, in-home respite is generally the more affordable option. In-home respite only requires support services and not accommodation charges. However, out-of-home respite is slightly more expensive as it includes the cost of the support services and a portion of your accommodation cost. Sometimes, people opt for out-of-home respite as a reason to go and try new things as a means to reach their goals.

The amount of respite care can vary depending on the individual, their needs, and their situation. Sometimes your primary caregiver may only need a few hours, a day or week. At other times, this could extend to overnight or a few weeks.

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